Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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Text File
202 lines
GadTools based GUI layout engine
Release 1.1
Library version 37.3
Copyright (C) 1994 by Michael Berg
All rights Reserved
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Requirements
4. Usage
5. Author information
6. Credits
7. History
1. Introduction
This library provides a means of creating fully font sensitive graphic user
interfaces (GUIs) with a minimum of programming efford. It also provides a
couple of visual enhancements over GadTools, and a more convenient method
of handling gadget hotkey shortcuts.
The most important features of GUIFront is:
* GadTools foundation, very easy to come to grips with
* Generates fully font sensitive interfaces
* Automatic hotkey handling, including shift-cancellable buttons
* Easy backfilling of windows
* Automatic group framing
* Frame headlines
* New GETALT_KIND with images for file, dir, font, screenmode and "other"
* Automatic ASL requesters
* Hotkey aliasing - use F10 or ENTER as gadget hotkeys
* Offers attractive new XEN look
* Easy to program, tags with suitable default values used most everywhere
* Executables are generally small, most code embedded in the library itself
* Fully supports localizing, including gadget labels and menus
* Preferences editor (localized) allowing customization of applications
* Simple installation (only one library and the preferences editor)
The preferences editor allows you to customize...
* Gadget fonts
* Frame headline fonts
* Frame headline style (text style, color, left/center/right leading etc)
* Gadget rendering style for each gadget kind (XEN or normal)
* Refreshing (simple or smart)
* Backfill patterns
Every setting is controllable on a per-application basis, allowing the user
full control over visual appearance for each application.
2. Installation
To install GUIFront, copy the library to your LIBS: directory and the
preferences editor to your SYS:Prefs directory. If you want the preferences
editor localized you must also copy the appropriate .catalog files to your
LOCALE: directory.
To simplify installation even further, I have provided a number of
installation scripts for use with both IconX and Commodore's Installer
utility. Simply double click the one which is appropriate for your machine
and watch the fireworks.
3. Requirements
The GUIFront library and its editor both require at least AmigaDOS 2.04.
Any attempted use under kickstart 1.2 or 1.3 will fail.
The developer includefiles were written speciffically for the SAS/C
compiler. They probably work under most other compilers as well, but may
need some tweaking.
4. Usage
To maximise code reusability, GUIFront has been implemented as a shared
library. To use any of the library functions, you must first successfully
open the library, as illustrated below:
#include <proto/guifront.h>
#include <libraries/guifront.h>
struct Library *GUIFrontBase;
/* GUIFront functions may now be called */
For examples on how to use GUIFront, please refer to the included example
programs. You will find a more detailed description of the individual
GUIFront library functions in the developer directory (doc/guifront.doc).
5. Author
If you have any comments or suggestions regarding GUIFront, I will gladly
listen. You can reach me on any of the following adresses:
E-mail: mberg@scala.ping.dk (preferred)
Fido: 2:238/ 24.28
AmigaNet: 39:140/101.28
S-mail: Michael Berg
Sjællandsgade 56, 4
8900 Randers
6. Credits
GUIFront could not have become a reality without the helpful assistance of
the following persons:
- Nico François for suggestions and invaluable programming assistance.
Thanks pal! :-)
- SAS Institute for supplying the necessary compiler magic
- George Beasley for supplying the E developer files
- Doug Dyer for his helpful comments
- Roger Nordin and the rest of the SPOT.BETA gang for betatesting and
- Magnus Holmgren for the swedish translation
- Michele Giorato for the italian translation
- Stefan Stuntz for MUI. Truly a remarkable piece of work.
- The Amiga hard- and software engineering crews for creating the Amiga
- Stig Poulsen, Jørn-Bang Andersen and Kenneth Perto for Fido- and Internet
7. Library History
The following denotes the most signifficant changes made to the library.
The most recent version is listed first.
For a history of the preferences editor, please refer to GUIFront.guide in
the Prefs directory.
8.10.94 - Release 1.1, library version 37.3 (Public release)
- Automatic ASL requesters did not work if there wasn't a BUTTON_KIND
somewhere in the GUI.
- Arrow images were rendered incorrectly in some situations.
- Added GUI_ScreenTitle tag
- Added GUI_ActualFont tag
- Smart refreshing did not work properly. A zip-window operation would
cause gadget labels to disappear (i.e. not get refreshed). Fixed.
- GUIFront quietly gobbeled up all IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW events, making
it impossible (or at least unfeasible) to render custom graphics in
a GUIFront GUI.
- Added GFA_VisualUpdateSigBit and GFA_VisualUpdateSigTask to enable
applications to update their GUIs when their preferences have been
- Using a keyboard shortcut for a button kind sometimes locked up
the application. Fixed (hopefully).
- Implemented ALTI_GetScreenMode (gadget image + automatic requester)
- Added a distinct image for ALTI_GetScreenMode and ALTI_GetFont
- Fixed various minor and a couple of major bugs
- Distribution now includes E developer files (courtesy of George Beasley)
- GTLV_MakeVisible now supported under V37 (goodbye GTLV_Top! :-)
- Fixed the most obvious integer math roundoff errors.
18.6.94 - Release 1.0, library version 37.2 (Public release)